I've Been Hired!!!
I was just "Hired" on at Scrappin Freestyle as a Creative team member and I am so excited! I can't wait to get my hands on some kits and put together some great layouts to promote their products. They have some great things over there. Please click the link at the left and check them out! There are some very talented designers there!
Other News
My Little Man is getting so big! He is 6 months old today! I can't believe this time has gone so fast! I am so excited to see the new things that he accomplishes! He is so much bigger than Paige was but he will always be my little boy even if he gets bigger than her in the next year lol. He is rolling and sitting and laughing. He always is smiling. He has been named the Happiest Baby so many times from friends that we are around. He rarely cries. I am so blessed by him and Paige!
On with the Kits...
I have been working slowly at getting some thing put together. Of course things are going slower than expected with that. But I will be posting a freebie Soon!